Opinions are divided: some see it as a return to a routine they were too happy to escape... subway, work, sleep... what a horror compared to Nespresso, work, bike, cook, vino... and more vino! Although for others it was more like work, work, and more work...!
Most see this return as a regression to the eternal to-do lists that we never have time to check off... I don't know about you but before the confinement, my head looked like a kitchen where most of the drawers were wide open or half closed...today, not only are all the drawers well closed but the floor is carefully waxed! The joy of saying to yourself on a Tuesday evening "well, what if we had a spa"... Appointment at the dentist for the whole family? Check! Monthly vanilla-scented grooming of the dog? Check! Moving the teenager to the basement and redecorating the entire house that we've been putting off for years? Check, Check, Check!
No matter what we say, we were all starting to get used to this new routine that made this famous "work-family balance" so easy. Before the pandemic, we were so caught up in a daily marathon that we didn't realize what a great athlete we had become... now that we function more in fast walking mode, we take the time to admire the scenery and take full measure of all that we have time to accomplish in a day... it's not a family life that we are managing, it's a multinational!
In short, there are obviously things we miss from our old life, starting with our colleagues. The crazy laughs with Melanie and Karyne, the dinners with Vanessa, the celebrity gossip with Anne... and above all, for my part obviously: getting dressed!!! 👗 One reaction I hear a lot since the announcement of a return to activities: "I have nothing to wear anymore!!! " or "we were so good in absorbent cotton"... Really? First, take a look at your wardrobe beyond the same three sweaters you've worn in the past year and you'll see that fashion hasn't changed that much: you'll still love wearing the dress you loved to wear with your favorite boots. Secondly, okay, I admit it, nothing is more comfortable than jogging suits to sit in front of the computer all day. But every day, 365 days a year? Remember that appreciative look your significant other used to give you when she saw you dressed for work, don't you miss it a little? Or the pride of seeing yourself so beautiful in the mirror in the morning, do you remember the last time you had that?
Can you feel it? I firmly believe that the future holds the best of both worlds with the presential two or three times a week: work from home to better manage and time at work to progress ... yes, because it's all well and good to jog all day, but to keep our achievements and be considered for the coveted positions, it's still better to be there, well dressed moreover! So ladies, make sure that the few times a week that we see you, we don't forget you!
Welcome back!
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